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A good beer is served in a sub-zero temperature. Does it matters in making cocktails when it comes with the temperature of the ingredients? Is all cocktails served in sub-zero temperature? in normal t ...
We purchase a cocktails in a good presentation in a bar. But what if it is not in a good shape, plain presentation and not too good in our eyes? would you still drink it? does the presentation change ...
We all know that cocktails is a mixture of expensive ingredients and we just needed a small amount of every expensive ingredients. Can we do a cocktail in substitution for a cheaper ingredients that w ...
The first "cocktail party" ever thrown was allegedly by Mrs. Julius S. Walsh Jr. of St. Louis, Missouri, in May 1917. Mrs. Walsh invited 50 guests to her home at noon on a Sunday. The party lasted an ...
KIWI COLADAWhat you need:1 jigger or 5 ounces of Rum 1514 ounces of kiwi ready mix12 ounces of pinacolada mix1 1/2 crushed iceblenderHow to prepare:Add icePu ...
STRAWBERRY DAQUIRIWhat you need:1 jigger or 5 ounces of Rum 15116 ounces of strawberry ready mix1 1/2 scoop of crushed iceblenderMixing the drinksAdd iceFirst put th ...
Bailey's Banana ColadaWhat you need:1 jigger or 5 ounces of bailey's irish cream16 ounces of pinacolada premixHalf fresh ripe banana1 1/2 scoop of crushed iceBle ...